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滑板界傳奇之星殞落!HUF創辦人Keith Hufnagel不敵癌魔逝世!

滑板界傳奇之星殞落!HUF創辦人Keith Hufnagel不敵癌魔逝世!
潮流大號外 HUF 創辦人 Keith Hufnagel 因不敵癌魔逝世。不少會買潮牌或留意街頭文化的朋友都會知道 HUF 這名字,而 HUF 在稍早在 Instagram 官方帳戶中,釋出其創辦人 Keith Hufnagel 逝世的惡耗。表示他與腦癌對抗兩年半後,最終不敵癌魔逝世,享年46歲。


HUF 發布 Keith Hufnagel 死訊的文章中,他們表示「HUF」nagel 不只是單純的存在於名字當中,而是品牌的心臟和靈魂,因為他為滑板界建立了一個無與倫比的社區。並表示 Keith 為他們所有人鋪好了路,教大家如何成為一位受人尊敬的專業滑板手、商店老闆、品牌創始人、鞋類和服裝設計師、創意總監及行業領導者, Keith 真正地為他們展示了如何去做,以及如何正確地去做。同時,Keith 也都非常熱愛滑板運動及文化,他以自己的方式去做自己認為對的事,並以正確的理由而做,也因而啟發了全球不少滑板好手及不同的人。而且 Keith 亦都非常熱心助人,他會為朋友、家人及小孩做任何事,而他亦都很熱切地希望他人能夠成功,因而令身邊人都很熱愛他。最後表示 Keith 的精神將與 HUF 長存直到永遠,同時也希望他能夠安息。



We are absolutely heartbroken to deliver the news today that HUF founder Keith Hufnagel has passed away. Keith battled brain cancer for the past 2.5 years. And though he beat the odds and fought back much longer than his diagnosis permitted, he ultimately and unfortunately lost the fight. Keith was not only the ‘HUF’nagel in HUF. He was the heart and soul of this brand. He built and brought together a community of people like no one else could. Keith paved the way for all of us – as a respected professional skateboarder, shop owner, brand founder, footwear and apparel designer, creative director, and industry leader. He showed us how to do it, and how do it right. Keith loved skateboarding and the culture around it. He did things his way and did them for the right reasons. He inspired so many of us across the globe. But above anything else, Keith loved and supported the people around him. He would do anything for his friends, family and children. He passionately wanted to see others succeed. And we all loved him for it. Keith’s legacy will continue to live on at HUF. Today, tomorrow and forever. Rest in peace, Keith.

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